All Tagged Photos
Small 121185cp
Diamond Street Businesses
Small 20090728 cp 0054
Webster Avenue Demolition
Small 0082ut
Union Arcade Construction- Terra-Cotta Pieces
Small 20090519 cp 0223
Bieger Wire Works
Small 20100518 cp 0078
City County Building
Small 5185648cp
Water Street
Small 20100518 cp 0121
Market House
Small 000476pic
Warner Theatre
Small 4264786c
Pittsburgh Leaders in Opening Ceremony
Small 20090313 cp 0180
Fifth at Washington West
Small 117097 3cp
Small 20090313 cp 0179
Fifth and Washington Avenues
Small 195488cp
Point Bridge
Small 20090624 cp 0268
Fifth and Wylie
Small 20100120 cp 0242
North Side Point Bridge
Small 20100809 hpicasc 0113
Point Bridge
Small 20090624 cp 0267
Fifth and Grant
Small 64112892 11
G.C. Murphy Company
Small 20100716 hpicasc 0133
East Street
Small 231992ac
Fairmont Creamery
Small 20090624 cp 0331
Kaufmann's Department Store
Small scls007
Corner of Liberty and Fifth Avenues
Small 20090624 cp 0041
Repairs to Hermes Ice Cream Building
Small 20090624 cp 0420
Street Construction
Small 3317891c
River Traffic
Small 000241pic
5th Avenue Fire
Small 152185cp
Penn Avenue
Small 20090519 cp 0229
Try Way Sewer