All Tagged Photos
Small 20100518 cp 0021
Herron Avenue Bridge
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0145
Six Inch Sewer
Small 4266509cp
Crawford Street
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0186
Shooting Fence
Small 3630406cp
Wandless Street
Small 20100809 hpicasc 0057
Dakota Street
Small 20090519 cp 0056
Charles Street
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0130
Mixing Plant
Small 60108888
Cars Parked on Hemans Street
Small 20100120 cp 0109
Municipal Hospital
Small 20100422 cp 0204
Municipal Hospital
Small 4055852c
Boy Leaning Against a Car
Small 4161051c
Chevrolet and Gene Autry Billboards
Small 20100518 cp 0043
Herron Avenue Bridge
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0151
Stone Chipper
Small 4776420c
Roosevelt Theater
Small 20090519 cp 0322
Wadsworth Street
Small 20100113 cp 0056
Kirkpatrick Street
Small 3949919c
Two Cars in Front of the Macedonia Baptist Church
Small 20100421 cp 0022
Herron Hill Pumping Station
Small 3524678cp
J. Antonacci Wholesale
Small 121095cp
Greater Pittsburgh Meat Market
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0116
Cement Shed
Small 20100120 cp 0111
Municipal Hospital
Small 20100809 hpicasc 0040
Herron Hill Pumping Station
Small 121123cp
Wylie Avenue Street Scene
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0195
Herron Hill Reservoir Basin
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0148
Northwest Corner of the Herron Hill Reservoir