All Tagged Photos
Small 5389843c
Small 20100420 cp 0179
Doctor's Office
Small 5184903c
Small 20100113 cp 0402
Kirkpatrick Street
Small 71122466
Fifth Avenue and Hooper Street
Small 5696529c
Cozy Corner
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0148
Northwest Corner of the Herron Hill Reservoir
Small 20100517 cp 0044
Breckenridge Street
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0111
Outlet Pipe
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0113
Cement Guns
Small 3526258c
Play Time
Small 3950058c
Fish Fried to Order
Small 5388979c
Outdoor Market
Small 20100517 cp 0048
Bloomer Street
Small 20100517 cp 0047
Breckenridge Street
Small 20100518 cp 0021
Herron Avenue Bridge
Small 3318489c
Bonn's Pharmacy
Small 20100120 cp 0106
Mulberry Alley
Small 5389246c
Count Basie Poster
Small 60108252
Erin Street
Small 4266509cp
Crawford Street
Small 5185009c
Goode Prescriptions
Small 20100809 hpicasc 0040
Herron Hill Pumping Station
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0136
Herron Hill Reservoir
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0116
Cement Shed
Small 3524451c
Hill District
Small 3630825cp
Wylie Avenue
Small 20100518 cp 0006
Bloomer Street