Hump District Excavation
Second Avenue
Mon Warf Parking
Lemon Alley Hump Cut
United Cigar Stores Company
Hump Removal on Grant Street
Hump Removal on Grant Street
Pittsburgh Exposition
Hump District
Hump Removal on Grant Street
West Side of Grant Street
Duquesne Way and 7th Street
Diagram of Manchester Bridge
Hump Removal on Oliver Avenue
Hump District
Hump Removal on Grant Street
Department of Public Works Exhibit
Hump District
Hump Removal on Pentland Street
North Side Point Bridge Blueprints
Allegheny County Courthouse
Manchester Bridge
Second Avenue Improvements
Hump Cut on Fifth Avenue
Hump Removal on Strawberry Way
Independent Telephone
Hump Removal on Tunnel Street
Samuel Weinhaus Company Jewelers