All Tagged Photos
Small 0058ut
Union Arcade Construction- Outer Walls (West)
Small 20100421 cp 0102
Penn Avenue
Small 20100420 cp 0089
Joyce's Dry Goods Store
Small 20090914 cp 0428
Grant Street Hump Cut
Small 20090728 cp 0054
Webster Avenue Demolition
Small 20100420 cp 0085
Louis J. Alder Company
Small 3629389cp
Il Duce Quick Lunch
Small 20090914 cp 0100
Grant Street Hump Cut
Small 0055ut
Union Arcade Construction- Mid-Level Floors (East)
Small 4776833c
Duquesne Pilsner
Small 20090818 cp 0084
Second Avenue Improvements
Small 20100421 cp 0158
Barkers Alley
Small 20090728 cp 0161
Hump District
Small 000396pic
Tell Your Missus Don't Vote for Hisses
Small 3115071c
Depression-Era Headlines
Small 000187pic
Demolition on Penn Avenue
Small 294810cp
Loading Cargo at the Monongahela Warf
Small 0034ut
Union Arcade Construction- Lower Floors (South)
Small 64112892 11
G.C. Murphy Company
Small 0047ut
Union Arcade Construction- Lower Floors (East)
Small 3525932c
Terminal Warehouse View
Small 000174pic
Dow's Drugs
Small 20091020 cp 0233
Duquesne Way Market
Small 20081008 wmpennhotel 0015
Foundations for the William Penn Hotel
Small 000301pic
Demolition of the Mayfair Hotel
Small 20090624 cp 0321
Wylie Avenue
Small 20091020 cp 0232
Duquesne Way Market
Small 20090914 cp 0403
O'Neil Alley Hump Cut