All Tagged Photos
Small 3630446c
Loew's Theater
Small 000205pic
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Small 20090624 cp 0189
Lumber and River
Small scls044
Fresh Air
Small 20090313 cp 0087
M. Berardini's Bank
Small 73123737
WKTQ AM Office on Forbes Avenue
Small 20090624 cp 0406
Building Demolition
Small 20100716 hpicasc 0140
Manchester Bridge
Small 3113919c
Horace Street Ramp
Small 20100420 cp 0060
Evans Way
Small 20090624 cp 0349
Chatham and Wylie
Small 20100810 hpicasc 0107
Grant Boulevard [Bigelow Boulevard] Conditions
Small 20090624 cp 0304
Webster Avenue
Small 143815cp
Old Diamond Market
Small 000474pic
Nixon Theater
Small 4264772c
Downtown Industry
Small 20090624 cp 0283
Dante and Chatham
Small 20090624 cp 0428
Street Construction on Chatham Street
Small 20090624 cp 0302
Dante and Pentland
Small 286932cp
Diamond Street Congestion
Small 168813cp
Hump Properties
Small 20100719 hpicasc 0212
Carriage Lined Street
Small 3630784cp
Stanwix Street Corner
Small 20100420 cp 0027
Duquesne Way
Small 20090818 cp 0009
Hump Removal
Small 20090914 cp 0133
Diamond Street Hump Cut
Small 0028ut
Union Arcade Construction- Steel Framing
Small 63112711 2
City Council Chambers