All Tagged Photos
Small 133666cp
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Small 20100422 cp 0175
Schenley Park
Small 20100422 cp 0186
Schenley Park
Small 20100422 cp 0004
Sylvan Avenue
Small 119411 4cp
Asbury Methodist Church
Small 20100113 cp 0047
Murray Avenue
Small 20090224 cp 0161
Wilkins and South Dallas Avenues
Small 20090422 cp 0108
Panther Hollow
Small 20100518 cp 0055
Phillips and Murray Avenues
Small 20090331 cp 0030
Phillips and Shady
Small 3525809c
The Atlantic Refining Company
Small 4775743cp
Murray Avenue
Small 20100421 cp 0136
Sylvan Avenue
Small 20100120 cp 0466
Sylvan Avenue Bridge
Small 3733154cp
Westinghouse Memorial
Small 20090224 cp 0137
Solway Street and South Negley Avenue
Small 20090224 cp 0132
Nicholson Street and Shady Avenue
Small 20090407 cp 0125
South Negley Avenue
Small 20100518 cp 0068
Schenley Park
Small 20100422 cp 0098
Sylvan Avenue
Small 20100113 cp 0118
Workers Scattered on Murray Bridge
Small 20090914 cp 0474
Hobart Street
Small 20100422 cp 0169
Schenley Park
Small 20100518 cp 0004
Light Post
Small 20100716 hpicasc 0100
Effects of the Hobart Street Mine Fire
Small 20090422 cp 0316
Eldridge at Forward
Small 20090422 cp 0145
Eldridge Avenue
Small 20100712 hpicasc 0103