All Tagged Photos
Small 081106cp
Hope He Moves
Small 3011883cp
Concrete Steps
Small 119287 9cp
Nicholson and Murray
Small 20100422 cp 0176
Schenley Park
Small 60109365 8
Murray Avenue
Small 20100113 cp 0078
Murray Avenue Bridge
Small 20091020 cp 0178
Murray Avenue Bridge
Small 20100421 cp 0187
Sylvan Avenue
Small 20090422 cp 0220
Solway at Murray
Small 3736368cp
Manor Theatre
Small 20100712 hpicasc 0006
Paving Between Tracks
Small 20100518 cp 0053
Waldron Street and Shady Avenue
Small 20100517 cp 0122
Schenley Park
Small 20090224 cp 0130
Wilkins and South Dallas Avenues
Small 20090422 cp 0146
Eldridge Avenue Crown
Small 5185306c
Kosher Delicatessen
Small 3733548cp
Murray Avenue
Small 20100421 cp 0083
Sylvan Avenue
Small 20100422 cp 0177
Schenley Park
Small 3733151cp
Phipps Conservatory
Small 20100120 cp 0312
Panther Hollow Bridge
Small 20100517 cp 0102
Windsor Street
Small 122945cp
Houses in Squirrel Hill
Small 20100517 cp 0106
Windsor Street
Small 20100517 cp 0065
Stanley Street
Small 20100422 cp 0174
Schenley Park
Small 20100712 hpicasc 0032
Forbes Avenue Paving
Small 20100422 cp 0178
Schenley Park