"Little Sisters is down farther...across from Probst"
"Frank Putch is gone, beer store is there now"
"If that's really E.Ohio Street, it's not Troy Hill. E Ohio runs parallel to E.North avenue and becomes rt 28 "
"Isn't Little Sisters across Benton from Lapish?
"Standing under the California Avenue Bridge on Eckert Street"
"On the right two blocks up will be Saint Leo's at the corner of Westborn"
"This looks more like the Woods Run area than The Jacks Run area"
"I believe Little Sisters is now on the grassy area to the right."
"The Senior Highrise is now on the right, CVS on the left."
"this is actually the corner of Ibis and Rochelle not amanda and rochelle"
"Wrong location. Historic photo is in Allentown at Arlington and Warrington Avenues. Not Mt. Oliver as updated photo shows. The HillTop bank is now a police station."
"Actually about 20 yards left of the flag pole."
"Spin the google pic and you can see the original concrete steps. Gmaps did not have a THE pic which was taken by the flag pole looking towards the steps"
"this is wrong location. tag wont work correctly. photo is blvd about 1/4 mile up from west liberty.
"Not too sure about this one... the closest thing to a "Ridge St." in the Hill District in Ridgway Street. I'm pretty sure the stairs on the left are the Harding St stairs, and the telegraph poles appear to match up."
"Lambert St. is gone, and is now East Liberty Blvd."
"Lambert St. is gone, and is now East Liberty Blvd."
"Lambert St. is gone, and is now East Liberty Blvd."