All Comments

Small 3526417c

"this is Polish Hill, not Lawrenceville!"

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: Joe Dobbs for Constable
Small 199508cp

"West Penn Park was/is in Polish Hill. "

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: Christmas at West Penn Park
Small 3011807c

"This is in Polish Hill."

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: New Playground
Small 199132cp

"West Penn Park is in Polish Hill, not Lawrencevile."

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: Creative Playtime
Small 261126cp

"wrong neighborhood -- West Penn Center was (and is) in Polish Hill."

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: Children's Safety Play
Small 261151cp

"Polish Hill, not Lawrenceville."

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: Boy's League
Small 261153cp

"This is in Polish Hill, not Lawrenceville."

Polish Hill said over 11 years ago about: Egg Hunt
Small 3115291cp

"I think this should be labeled Elmhurst Street."

Krissy said over 11 years ago about: Kimhurst Street
Small 3317824c

"Present day Josephine Street was part of Arlington Ave. in the early years of the past century. The hillside in the left of the photos goes up to Monongahela Park and Field. The house with the chimneys is also in the early picture.

Clyde said over 11 years ago about: Arlington Sidewalk
Small 5288094c

"The Pittsburgh area Eckerds were sold to Rite Aid, not CVS."

Matt said over 11 years ago about: Thrift Drug
Small 08670cp

"and here's a photo of Seely Street and the Sharpsburg Bridge from the hillside of the zoo property http://images.library...."

Bob said over 11 years ago about: Coca-Cola
Small 20090914 cp 0146

"This is actually Machester. Columbus Avenue was Washington before Pittsburgh annexed Allegheny City. I used the steps often before they were removed."

Chris said over 11 years ago about: Washington Street Bridge
Small 20090818 cp 0360

"Looking north from California Ave."

Chris said over 11 years ago about: B Street
Small 3944458c

"Photographed from Manchester"

Chris said over 11 years ago about: Lone Caboose
Small 20091020 cp 0247

"Photo actually taken from Kirkbride.Google has no street view from there which is 1 block north."

Chris said over 11 years ago about: B Street Billboards
Small 08670cp

here's that map link now -

Bob said over 11 years ago about: Coca-Cola
Small 20090422 cp 0331

"Doll Way(Alley) California-Kirkbride area. Looking north up Doll toward Kunkle sort of from California ave."

Chris said over 11 years ago about: Doll Alley
Small 20090422 cp 0333

"This is not Manchester. Manchester is behind the men on the other side of the tracks. This pic is taken from Kunkle looking south down Doll Alley. It is now Doll Way. This the Cal-Bride section of Pgh. My house was around the corner. "

Chris said over 11 years ago about: Doll Alley
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"Google is wrong. Google has placed this Downtown at the Union Trust Building. The vintage photo above was taken in West Park on the NORTH SIDE looking toward W.North Ave. The prominent structure in the photo eventually became part of what is now the National Aviary. "

Chris said over 11 years ago about: Exterior of West Park Conservatory
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Mike said over 11 years ago about: Knoxville Business District