All Tagged Photos
Small 20090818 cp 0269
Webster Avenue Hump Cut
Small 20100422 cp 0130
Point Improvement
Small 20091020 cp 0305
Ross Street
Small 20090914 cp 0103
Dante Alley Hump Cut
Small 20100120 cp 0483
Diagram of Manchester Bridge
Small 20090624 cp 0410
Bigelow Boulevard Entrance
Small 20100719 hpicasc 0203
Second Avenue
Small 20090519 cp 0224
Forbes and Shingiss
Small 20090914 cp 0284
Second Avenue Improvements
Small 114088 10cp
Minsky Brothers
Small 20081008 wmpennhotel 0025
William Penn Hotel
Small 0020ut
Union Arcade Construction- Fourth Floor
Small 000516pic
William Penn Hotel Speech
Small 20100518 cp 0075
Point Improvements
Small 20090728 cp 0155
Second Avenue
Small 121184cp
Diamond Street
Small d6002ue
Pittsburgh Rally
Small 20090624 cp 0429
Building Demolition and Street Construction
Small 000177pic
Farmer's National Bank
Small 20090624 cp 0266
Fifth and Grant
Small 000317pic
River Admiration
Small 20091020 cp 0014
Miller Saw-Trimmer Co./Point Building
Small 20100712 hpicasc 0106
Footbridge over Duquesne Way
Small 275721cp
Ruth Elder
Small 73123738
Market Square at Fifth Avenue
Small 20090624 cp 0489
Hump Lowering
Small 20090422 cp 0109
Plans for Smithfield Street Bridge
Small 20090624 cp 0270
Fifth Avenue