Eggers Street

20100809 hpicasc 0020
View of Eggers Street looking south from Lookout Street.
April 2nd, 19
Troy Hill
Eggers Street
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection
More Details
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection, 1901-2002, AIS.1971.05, Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh Original URL
Public Domain - Anybody may use this photo for any purpose
  • Nj about 13 years ago

    I originally had this tagged at the actual intersection of Eggars and Lookout Streets, but closer inspection is showing me that this weird slope between houses on Lookout may be the actual location of the photograph. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Nj about 13 years ago

    A zoom-in on the house on the lower right side of the picture appears to read 1967, which is the address of the green house behind the motor home in the more recent picture, so I'm going to stick with that guess I made.

  • Dane about 13 years ago

    It's really hard to tell. It's possible that Lautner St didn't have a break in it like it does now (which makes sense when you look at the lot lines in Google maps) and that the photo was actually taken at the intersection of Lookout and Lautner.

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