Mulberry Alley

20100120 cp 0106
View of Mulberry Alley, including an automobile on the left. In the garage visible, a man stands next to a wagon owned by Pittsburgh Hardwood Company. The photograph is being taken for Dr. Edwards of the Bureau of Health.
September 3rd, 1914
Hill District
Mulberry Alley
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection
More Details
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection, 1901-2002, AIS.1971.05, Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh Original URL
Public Domain - Anybody may use this photo for any purpose
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  • Peter over 10 years ago

    The 1914 photo surely shows Mulberry Alley in the Strip District around 16th street; the Google Street View is an intersection in Duquesne, PA.

  • Peter over 10 years ago

    OK I looked at city directories and found an ephemeral business called the Pittsburg(h) Hardwood Door Co. starting in 1909. They were on the South Side. By 1912, they had moved to 13th & Pike (now Smallman). They had changed names or gone out of business by 1915.

    Looking at the Hopkins map, there is only one nearby intersection for Mulberry that has a six story building on one corner and a 2 story on the other: 13th Street. So I think the photo was taken looking NE up Mulberry, almost from where the Heinz History Center is located.

  • Peter over 10 years ago

    The only odd thing is that there is a fire hydrant on the (proposed) NW corner, which is not shown on the map.

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