Plaza Theater

The Plaza Theater at 4765 Liberty Avenue, showing children waiting to attend a performance. Movie posters flank the ticket booth with their notices of films featuring "Charlie Chan at the Olympics," "Emperor's Candlesticks" with Luise Ranier and William Powell and Hal Roach's "Nobody's Baby". The theater, built circa 1905, features a Mansard roof, terra cotta tile, and tin ceilings inside. By 2003 the theater had been renovated to accommodate a restaurant and a Starbucks coffee shop.
August 1st, 1937
4765 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection
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Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection, 1901-2002, AIS.1971.05, Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh Original URL
Bloomfield (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Liberty Avenue (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Plaza Theatre (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Theaters--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.; Advertising--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.; Children--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.
Public Domain - Anybody may use this photo for any purpose
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  • Jo over 14 years ago

    The Plaza Theater is actually several blocks closer to the Hospital that is shown in the picture.

  • Dane over 14 years ago

    Jo, I've tagged it now so now it's in the right spot.

  • DMZABO over 3 years ago

    This movie theater was the big thing for a lot of Bloomfield residents. In my era the late 1970’s throughout the 1980’s & into the low 1990’s was so much fun. My good friends and I would visit this theater on many a Friday or Saturday night and see all the latest films. Also above the movie theater was a few classrooms 4th & 5th grades from the Church & grade school Immaculate Conception. I believe the door on the right on the bottom picture was where we would exit the building once our school day was over. It was either or door not sure really . It was a long time ago. lol 40+ years.

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