Harriet Street

20100120 cp 0556
View of an unidentified Bloomfield street, being taken from Harriet Street. A public mailbox is attached to the first telephone pole on the left.
August 10th, 1914
Harriet Street
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection
More Details
Pittsburgh City Photographer Collection, 1901-2002, AIS.1971.05, Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh Original URL
Public Domain - Anybody may use this photo for any purpose
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  • Andrew R over 13 years ago

    If you take one step forward in the image, its easier to recognize the house on the left as the one in the picture.

  • Ellen over 5 years ago

    I think this is tagged wrong. I believe the historic photo is looking North from Harriet onto the 300 block of S. Atlantic Ave. The grade of the lawns is what led me to think this attribution to S. Pacific might be inaccurate. If you look at the current street view of S. Atlantic from Harriet St., you can match up the first two houses left/right in the historic photo with the second two houses left/right on S. Atlantic Ave, by the rooflines on the left and porch columns on the right. Plus the grade of the front lawns is much more similar.

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