View of the Bloomfield Bridge at Liberty Avenue, showing property lines and local businesses including the German Restaurant, the New Eighth Ward Republican Club, and Charles Messenthaler Horse Shoer.
The caption has assumed an "M" but the Insurance maps lists to owner of the horse shoeing shop and the restaurant as "C. Nessenthaler" and I tend to trust them more... I believe the building in background with "CAFE" written on it may be the Bloomfield Bridge Tavern building, or in its location (BBT building building may be later than 1913...
The caption has assumed an "M" but the Insurance maps lists to owner of the horse shoeing shop and the restaurant as "C. Nessenthaler" and I tend to trust them more... I believe the building in background with "CAFE" written on it may be the Bloomfield Bridge Tavern building, or in its location (BBT building building may be later than 1913...