All Tagged Photos
Small 20080917 cp 0190
Horse and Carriage on Ellsworth
Small 2910584c
Arlington Apartments
Small 07508cp
Aiken Avenue Sewer
Small 091419cp
South Aiken Bridge
Small 20090323 cp 0180
Building at Spahr and Ellsworth
Small 20090407 cp 0285
Repaving Fifth Avenue
Small 20090407 cp 0317
Negley Avenue Bridge
Small 20100120 cp 0094
Howe Springs
Small 20100716 hpicasc 0127
Men Repairing Fifth Avenue
Small 20090818 cp 0023
Repaving on Ellsworth Avenue at Filbert Street
Small 119154 7cp
South Negley Avenue Bridge
Small 20090728 cp 0190
Repaving of Fifth Avenue
Small 204cp
Houses in Shadyside
Small 20081028 cp 0031
Ellsworth Avenue
Small 20090914 cp 0028
Devonshire Street
Small 20100422 cp 0094
Shady Avenue
Small 20100422 cp 0092
Highland Avenue
Small 20090313 cp 0172
Ellsworth Avenue Bridge
Small 20100810 hpicasc 0165
Fence on Fifth Avenue
Small 20081028 cp 0029
Ellsworth Avenue
Small 20090313 cp 0059
Ellsworth Avenue Bridge Looking West
Small 119351 10cp
Baum Boulevard
Small 20090323 cp 0150
Construction at Penn and Denniston Avenues
Small 20090323 cp 0058
Holden and Maryland
Small 101688cp
Shadyside in 1910
Small 20100420 cp 0004
Aurelia Street
Small 20090914 cp 0029
Construction on Devonshire Street
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0014
Maryland Avenue