All Tagged Photos
Small 20090914 cp 0236
Flood of 1913
Small 20090323 cp 0183
Fountain Street Wall
Small 20090519 cp 0397
Lacock and Anderson
Small 112294cp
Lacock Street
Small 20091020 cp 0101
Lacock Street Flooding
Small 20090519 cp 0387
Cairo Alley and Vulcan Alley
Small 20100519 cp 0195
Manchester Bridge
Small 20090407 cp 0221
Lacock and Sandusky
Small 20090624 cp 0445
Flood of March 22, 1912
Small 20090519 cp 0379
Cairo Alley
Small 20090407 cp 0311
Lacock and Sandusky
Small 20090519 cp 0256
Anderson and Reliance
Small 20090818 cp 0006
Lacock Street at Sandusky Street
Small 20090519 cp 0282
Grantham and Lacock
Small 20090519 cp 0288
Bell Alley
Small 20090519 cp 0295
Bell Alley
Small 20090624 cp 0042
Federal Street
Small 20090624 cp 0046
Federal Street
Small 20090519 cp 0292
Goodrich and Reliance
Small 20090624 cp 0443
Flood of March 22, 1912
Small 20090519 cp 0279
Grantham and Reliance
Small 112251cp
Federal Street
Small 20100719 hpicasc 0007
Manchester Bridge
Small 20091020 cp 0105
Flood of March 28th 1913.
Small 20100823 hpicasc 0023
Blank Billboards
Small 185399cp
Manchester (North Side Point) Bridge Detail
Small 20090519 cp 0273
Anderson and Lacock
Small 20090818 cp 0001
Bell Alley