All Tagged Photos
Small 3729812c
Downtown from Mt. Washington
Small 091309cp
Excelsior Street
Small 262674cp
Incline Supports
Small 20090914 cp 0438
Hargrove Street
Small 20090422 cp 0252
Dilworth at Prospect
Small 20090422 cp 0174
Crib and Slip
Small 261600cp
A Boy and His Backyard
Small 20100719 hpicasc 0172
Child on Cowan Street
Small 20090422 cp 0175
Kuhn and Dilworth
Small 20090407 cp 0144
Kenwood and Judicial
Small 3318237cp
Liberty Bridge Traffic Circle
Small 20090407 cp 0231
Dilworth Street Wall
Small 164818cp
Completed Roadway
Small 20090331 cp 0026
Kenwood and Judicial Streets
Small 20090331 cp 0024
La Belle and Piermont Streets
Small 20090407 cp 0140
Excelsior and Emerald
Small 20090914 cp 0449
Craighead Street
Small 20090407 cp 0215
Dilworth Street Wall
Small 20090519 cp 0034
Griffin and Lelia
Small 287054cp
Grandview Avenue Repaving
Small 20090331 cp 0022
Footpath to Grandview Avenue
Small 20090407 cp 0303
Dilworth Retaining Wall
Small 20090331 cp 0025
Judicial and Kenwood
Small 3011240cp
House Falling Over
Small 20100824 hpicasc 0017
Fisher House
Small 20090914 cp 0439
Hargrove Street
Small 287052cp
Grandview Avenue Repaving
Small 3318557c
A. E. Freyvogel Pharmacy