All Tagged Photos
Small 3012283c
Bohem Street Footbridge
Small 20090323 cp 0160
Glenwood and Second Avenues
Small 3115226cp
Elizabeth Street Bridge
Small 286485cp
Gould Transfer Company
Small 20090407 cp 0242
Blaine Street Bridge
Small 20090209 cp 0098
Beginning of Work
Small 57100825
Hazelwood Street Scene
Small 2910934cp
A. Zahm Grocery and Confectionery
Small 08964cp
Forward and Sylvan
Small 261250cp
Hazelwood Crossing
Small 20090209 cp 0131
Construction Progress
Small 20090323 cp 0161
Glenwood Avenue Retaining Wall
Small 20090323 cp 0162
Glenwood Avenue
Small 3113045c
Jones and Laughlin
Small 20090323 cp 0082
Gidding and Flowers
Small 3318248c
Hazelwood Businesses
Small 3115327cp
Elizabeth Street Bridge
Small 20090422 cp 0205
Elizabeth at Glenwood
Small 3522504c
Elizabeth Furnace
Small 3115328cp
Elizabeth Street Bridge
Small 20100120 cp 0348
Elizabeth Street Bridge
Small 3949694c
Ice Cream Bar
Small 20100120 cp 0349
Elizabeth Street Bridge
Small 20090323 cp 0081
301 Gidding Street
Small 20090323 cp 0164
Glenwood Avenue South
Small 4368712c
Consolidated Ice Company
Small 20090519 cp 0086
Elizabeth Street Bridge
Small 20100517 cp 0113
2nd and Elizabeth